The Ohio Fraternal Order of Police Auxiliary supports and participates in many programs on the National and State levels.
Ohio is proud to have one of their own Auxiliary members serve as Chair of the National Peace Officers Memorial Committee. Each year several Auxiliary members volunteer their time by travelling to Washington DC to assist the family members and Co-Workers of Fallen Heros.
Ohio Subordiante Auxiliaries honor our Fallen Heros around the state each May by participating, volunteering and organizing memorial services for their FOP or departments.
In 2014 the Executive Board of the Ohio State Auxiliary established the Fallen Hero Fund. A plaque and monetary donation is presented to the Hero's FOP Lodge Presedent. If the Fallen Hero is not a FOP Member, the memorial plaque and donation is presented to the Chief of his/her agency.
The Auxiliary encourages officers to lock up their guns when they are off duty and keep them out of children’s sight.
The Auxiliary supports this FOP of Ohio and FOP, Ohio Labor Council program which assists law enforcement, support personnel and their families in a time of crisis. This is a free service provided to all law enforcement and their families. For more information, see the links in the main menu.
This award is available to all FOP and Auxiliary family members. It was established in honor of the special friendship that the Past National and State President had with the Auxiliary. The scholarship is awarded each year at the annual state conference.
The Auxiliary supports law enforcement by displaying blue lights, candles and ribbons that represent the Thin Blue Line of Law Enforcement.
The Ohio Auxiliary continues to actively participate in the Polar Bear Plunge, Torch Run, Poker Walk and Tent Town, as well as raising funds through our charity basket raffle at our annual state conference.