Fraternal Order of Police Associates of Ohio, Inc.
What Is the Fraternal Order of Police Associates of Ohio, Inc. (FOPA Ohio)? |
The FOPA Ohio is a civilian affiliate of the Fraternal Order of Police of Ohio, Inc. (FOP of Ohio). Our members are friends and families of law enforcement Officers, responsible and respected business persons, professional men and women, and citizens from all walks of life—people willing to devote a portion of their time and efforts toward assisting the various law enforcement agencies of our communities, states and nation.
The FOPA Ohio is the parent organization to many FOPA local lodges in the state of Ohio. Those local lodges are affiliated with a FOP local lodge in the state of Ohio. The Fraternal Order of Police Associates of Ohio, Inc. was originally Chartered July 21, 1942, and obtained Non-Profit Status November 20, 1981. The corporation is a non-partisan organization without regard to race, creed, color or religious belief.
The FOPA Ohio's interests revolve around law enforcement and the men and women that have dedicated their lives to the protection of ours.
The FOPA Ohio actively supports legislation, charitable causes, and all law enforcement efforts on a local, state and national level.
Goals of the FOPA Ohio |
The FOPA Ohio is an organization formed for the purpose of increasing our understanding of the rights, duties and problems of law enforcement officers; of fostering respect for them; and of bettering conditions under which they serve society. We accomplish this through public relations, as well as legislative and educational efforts. It is our aim and objective to support law enforcement throughout Ohio in every way possible. We believe that Law is the safeguard to freedom, and it is our duty to defend it.
Functions and Activities of the FOP Associates of Ohio, Inc. |
The FOP Associates of Ohio works to assist their parent Lodge, the FOP of Ohio, Inc. They provide law enforcement agencies with dedicated public support.
They present scholarships to dependents of law enforcement officers that are members of the FOP of Ohio, Inc. Click Here for the Scholarship Guidelines and Application
Associate Lodges hold joint social functions enjoyed by members, family, and friends.
FOPA Benefits |
Fraternal Order of Police Associates of Ohio, Inc.
Benefits of the FOPA Ohio
Membership in the FOP Associates of Ohio, Inc. entitles you to the following benefits:
· Fraternalism with our law enforcement family.
FOPA State Officers |
Fraternal Order of Police Associates of Ohio, Inc.
Fraternal Order of Police Associates of Ohio, Inc.
FOPA Contact Us |
Fraternal Order of Police Associates of Ohio, Inc.
Contact the FOPA Ohio
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Page Last Updated: Apr 30, 2019 (07:54:00)