Critical Incident Response Service
Welcome A critical incident is defined as: "Any event, which has a stressful impact sufficient enough to overwhelm the usually effective coping skills of either a individual or group. They are typically sudden, powerful events, which are outside of the range of ordinary human experiences." Law enforcement work is stressful and has a strong impact on the health and behaviors of the personnel, including self destructive and suicidal behaviors. Studies show that critical incidents can significantly change a person's perspective, and if left unattended, can deeply harm the psyche and one's ability to cope with day-to-day activity. Mission of the CIRS Program Assist emergency service workers who are effected by a "Traumatic Event" with a coordinated state wide Critical Incident Stress Management Program. Goal: To provide the effected Emergency Service Worker with services that will mitigate or lessen the impact of the effects of critical incident stress, and accelerate the recovery following a traumatic event This unique Service is available, 24 hours per day, 7 days a week by making one phone call to: The Critical Incident Response Service at 1-800-367-6524. FOP Officer Wellness The National FOP Division of Officer Wellness has many resources listed on their website. Visit for more information.
Page Last Updated: Apr 13, 2016 (12:13:00)