The Fraternal Order of Police of Ohio, Inc., in response to the request of its members, has formed this page for retirement issues. This page is designed to assist the retired FOP member and the FOP and FOP/OLC member who will retire.
Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund
Ohio Public Employees Retirement System
Ohio Highway Patrol Retirement System
AON Webinars |
Aon is hosting webinars for those unable to attend meetings in person.
Although the retiree health care meetings have concluded, members can still receive the same information by participating in a live webinar scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 8 and Thursday, Oct. 10. There are specific webinars on each date for both Medicare and Pre-Medicare retirees.
FOP Letter on OP-F Healthcare Changes |
Update on OP-F Healthcare Changes
The FOP of Ohio's repsonse to the Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund changing the way healthcare is being delivered to our retired members. Click here to read President Gary Wolske's letter.
Changes for OP&F Healthcare |
Changes for OP&F Healthcare
The OP&F Pension Board made an announcement that beginning in 2019 they would no longer be providing healthcare coverage through a self insured program. As an option, OP&F may look at providing a monetary supplement to the retirees to assist with their healthcare needs. (See the OP&F press release).
New Positions included in OPERS-LE |
January 28, 2017
Mark Drum, State Secretary
FOP Succeeds! New Positions included in OPERS-LE
The FOP of Ohio is the ONLY law enforcement organization in Ohio with a full-time legislative staff. We are "cops lobbying for cops".
Protect Ohio's Pensions Solicits Money |
Solicitations from Protect Ohio's Pensions Association
The Fraternal Order of Police of Ohio has become aware of an association, Protect Ohio’s Pensions, that is soliciting retirees and active members from all five Ohio pension systems. Their reported purpose is to support and protect the five defined benefit pension plans in Ohio.
Page Last Updated: Sep 01, 2019 (16:34:10)